Dienstag, 17. November 2015

My first work experience week

My first work experience week is already over and the second week started this Monday. 
From last Monday ,9th, to last Friday , 13th, I had work experience at a vet in Cork. I learnt a lot of new terms, but don´t worry I wrote down the translations for everyone, deren Englischvokabular im Bereich der Medizin/ Tiermedizin ein wenig eingerostet ist.=)

I was at the veterinary together with another girl from my school. In the first four days we were mainly watching surgerys (Operationen) and the treatments of the animal patients.The animals which came in the veterinary were all so cute! The surgerys were interesting but also a bit disgusting sometimes. For example there was a dog with a growth (Wucherung) on his leg and a dog got its tonsils (Mandeln) removed by surgery (tonsillectomy- Mandelentfernung) because he always had a tonsillits (Mandelentzündung). On the first day there was a cat which had damaged her pelvis (Becken) and was constipated (verstopft). The vet had to open her stomach and put out her intestine (Darm). He mad a cut in it and got out the feces (Fäkalien) which were stuck inside. At the end he closed everything again with some stiches (Nadelstichen). 
We got tasks like clipping the nails of the dogs and cats, preparing injections (Spritzen) and cleaning the operation table for the next surgery.  All in all it was a interesting week with lots of new experiences for me and of course lots of new vocabulary!
The veterinary

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