Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2015

A touch of Christmas in Cork and a lot of good byes...

The last time I wrote an entry is a long time ago and while I am writing this I am already back in Germany but here comes finally my last entry.

In the last week I had the hard task to say good bye. First to my riding teacher, then to the charity shop team, my class mates and the other exchange students and finally my host family.
But before that I had a lovely last week.

 I was at a christmas market in Cork. There were mainly food stalls and you can´t compare it to the markets in Germany but the big wheel was great and we had an amazing view on Cork city.

On the 9th we had a school mass what means the whole school was in the church in Blarney and celebrated a mass together. The music group played "Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht" which was really cool=)

At my last weekend my host mother took my little host brother, another exchange student and me to Santa Claus. In Ireland the whole Santa Claus thing is a lot bigger than in Germany. Although I was far too old for it I really enjoyed the visit. It took place on a pet farm. There were different rooms through which we walked in a group with other families until we arrived at Santas hut.
A elf led us into the magic forest where Santas sleigh was located. We told a talking tree our secret chrismas gift wishes, a poor father had to wash Santa Clauses underwear and we helped a angel to fly again by throwing magic powder into the air. At the end we got a picture with Santa and a small gift.
 All in all it was very well made, the actors played with joy and the children had fun.
Afterwards we visited the pet farm. We were lucky that the animals were inside the stables because outdoors was the famous irish rain.
In the evening I was at chrismas party from our irish partner organisation together with Julia and other aupairs. It was my first time in a true irish pub!

On Tuesday and on Thursday last week I was at the Donkey Sanctuary in Lisscarroll as part of my volunteer week. Unfortunately the weather wasn´t that great on Tuesday so another girl who was there for work experience and I just cleant the water hods for the donkeys and put up some christmas decoration.
On Thursday the weather was better and after mucking out the stables in the morning a christmas carol singing took place at the Donkey Sanctuary. I enjoyed singing the carols but I am not so sure if the donkeys also liked it because they all left the stable after the first few songs...=)
On Thursday evening my host mother made a great last dinner for me and on Friday I flew back from Dublin to Frankfurt.

The big wheel in Cork

It turns in the opposite direction than the big wheels in Germany...

View on Cork city by night...

Santas sleigh

Magic powder for the reindeers

The chrismas angel can fly again
In the elf school
Santas living room...(The chimney has to be cleant=))
The father washes Santas pants=)
We finally arrive at Santas hut...

An old farm cottage

A hungry goat...

...and an interested pig

Hello! Do you have a carrot?

The Donkey Sanctuary

Me and a donkey
The wonderful decorated chrismas tree=)

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